HISTORY: Did the Bible Really Shape the West - and is that a Good Thing?

Series: Questions that Need Answering

October 02, 2022
Langdon Palmer

Today we look at the work of Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi of India as he looks at the West with eastern eyes and dares to explains how it is that the West was able to achieve such incredible advancements in Science, Medicine, Economic Prosperity, and Human Rights. He believes it all starts with the understanding of the Bible unleashed in the Protestant reformation. Even the healthiest tree planted in the richest soil will wither if exposed to Acid Rain long enough. For many years we have been exposed to the acid rain of secular myths that attempt to discredit the foundations of the Christian faith. But do these criticisms match the actual data ? In this eight part message series we draw from the work of a number of recent scholars who show us a historical and sociological view of Christianity that can reignite wonder and confidence for the modern follower of Jesus, and cause others to consider it for the first time. What if it turns out that Christianity is even better than we think it is ? To watch or listen to the entire series, go to https://levpres.org/questions-that-need-answering/

Content Copyright Belongs to Langdon Palmer