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Raising New Kingdom Money Bags Or you use Paystack: search Edenlife Church Without Walls, or you send your email address so we can generate a link for you. We need your financial partnership to enable us produce quality audio recordings, and to also help us finish the series on The Mysteries of Christ. We also have a vision to launch our online Radio/TV before the end of the first half of this year. Expect a godsend financial experience as you give. Thank you as you give as to the Lord. God is a very rich God. He's our Father, and we're His heirs. Psalms 8:4-7; Romans 8:17; etc. WHY GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH 1. God wants you to be rich so as to manifest His glory in your life. Haggai 2:6-9; etc. 2. God wants you to be rich so as to manifest His wisdom in your life. Luke 7:35; Psalms 104:24; Proverbs 3:19; etc. 3. God wants you to be rich so as to manifest His righteousness in your life. Psalms 92:12-15 4. God wants you to be rich so as to proof that He does compensate, and reward His servants. Job 36:9-12; Ezekiel 29:18-21; Luke 5:1-9; Malachi 3:1-18; Etc. BUILDING THE KINGDOM We need your financial commitment and partnership with this ministry to aid us produce good quality audio and videos. The mystery of Christ's Betrayal is still pending because of seemingly financial constraints. We ought to upgrade our plan on this platform to enable us upload all our audios and videos for your transformation and upliftment in life. A gift to this ministry is your subscription to emerging as a "New Kingdom Moneybag" in fulfilment of the Mandate of this commission. God bless you. Call +2349058528334; +2348066809552; Email:;; Ebarim Fortune Godsend. htpps:// +2348066809552 +2349058528334
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