02-02-2020 1st service

Series: I Am Part of the Church

February 05, 2020
Pastor Ryan

I AM PART OF THE BODY (PART 4) 2/2/20 - I will pray for My Church and Our Leaders. Every time the Israelites were going g to make a decision they would either - seek to do it their own way = destruction. - or making plans then asking God to bless it. - seek council from God = prosperity. LEADERS SHOULD START EVERYTHING WITH PRAYER. Better does not = blessed. (Health, Food, Money, House). Prayer or Fail. It all hinges on prayer. - Proverbs 3:5-6. God has to point the way. Rather than hearing from God, they chose an earthly King. - We all in our hearts reject God’s kingship and lordship of our lives. - We choose fo ourselves other kings. That have noting to do with God and everything to do with our wants. We choose a limited perspective rather than an eternal one. “I’m dreaming about chocolate pretzels” -Ryan

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