Loving the Father #3

Series: Loving the Father

October 21, 2021
Evangelist Henry Walker

Loving the Father and all His splendor in the eyes of Yahshua. Every message is a end time teaching that can bring healing, deliverance, breakthrough, favor, surprise, prophetic and miracles. Listen to more sermons on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKQia906NQBgm-9scIqMJ9A or our website http://henrywalker.org and our podcast https://podpoint.com/henrywalker. You can donate to our ministry to help feed the poor in Nassau the Bahamas and other ministry costs on the top of the page by hitting the "donate" button or here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/newliferevivalint. Thank you for your help!

Episode Notes

Is 40 v.11,12, Jn 10, Mal 2 v.1-9, 3 v.8-10, Acts 17 v. 22 to end of Chapter.

Listen to more sermons on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKQia906NQBgm-9scIqMJ9A or our website http://henrywalker.org and our podcast https://podpoint.com/henrywalker.
You can donate to our ministry to help feed the poor in Nassau the Bahamas and other ministry costs on the top of the page by hitting the "donate" button or here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/newliferevivalint. Thank you for your help!

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