No Perfect People Allowed

Series: COME Follow ... GO Make

September 02, 2018
Frank Foreman

As an introduction to the sermon series Frank introduces us to the writer of Matthew. He was a disciple himself and when Jesus called for him to come and follow, he called him out of a misspent life into a life of eternal purpose and divine mission.

Episode Notes

Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus didn’t invite perfect people to follow Him … He invited sinners who recognized their desperate need for a Savior.

Why was Jesus so good to people who were so bad?


Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.  (Vs. 12)


I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.  (Vs. 13)


I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.  (Vs. 13)

CHALLENGEStop separating routine from heart … Start getting very specific with God.

Jesus saves sinners.  I am one.  I hope you know you’re one.  If you do, you’re within reach of the Great Physician.

Content Copyright Belongs to New Horizons Christian Church