"Rejoicing On Our Journey!" 1 Peter 2:11-20``

April 21, 2024
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

Jubilate, The 4th Sunday Of Easter 21-April-2024 Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:11-20 Sermon Theme: Rejoicing On Our Journey! I. Born From Above We Journey Towards The Land of the Living!(vs.11-12). II. Protected by King Jesus Ruling Governments To Maintain Civil Peace! (Vs.13-14) III. Trusting Our Father’s Good and Gracious Will! (Vs.15-17). IV. Serving Our Neighbor as Christ Serves Us! (Vs.18-20) by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

Episode Notes

Jubilate, The 4th Sunday Of Easter                           21-April-2024
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:11-20
Sermon Theme: Rejoicing On Our Journey! I. Born From Above We Journey Towards The Land of the Living!(vs.11-12). II. Protected by King Jesus Ruling Governments To Maintain Civil Peace! (Vs.13-14) III. Trusting Our Father’s Good and Gracious Will! (Vs.15-17). IV. Serving Our Neighbor as Christ Serves Us! (Vs.18-20)

I.N.R.I. “Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” “If you really believe, what you say you believe - why do you live the life you live?” is the question Garrison Kiellor asked through one of his characters as he knit another story of Lake Woebegone. If Jesus of Nazareth physical rose from the dead, ascended to God’s right hand to be here with us always as our Brother and Savior, is present in His Church - the local congregation - as two or three gather in His Name to hear His Word read, poured, absolving, preached, prayed, placed upon our lips, and blessing us - why live a life of fear? Rev. Herman G. Steumpfle, Jr. asks you in our third communion hymn this morning: “Who are you who walk in sorrow Down Emmaus’ barren road, Hearts distraught and hope defeated, Bent beneath grief’s crushing load?”
    We often despair like the nation of Judah, to whom Isaiah was sent to preach, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my right is disregarded by my God.”(Is.4027b) The Lord God, Author of all history, would punish their nation’s evil for “a little while.” Judah had turned their liberty into license to sin. They trusted the lie, worshiping the creature and the false gods their hands had made, rather than the Creator. The technology of their hands could not save them from God’s judgment through the Babylonians. Their nation, Jerusalem, the Temple all would be destroyed and they would be led into captivity - exile for “a little while.” Seventy years they were to dwell as strangers and pilgrims in a land that was not their home. Then the Lord would raise up Cyrus, the Persian (Is.44:28- 45) to send Judah back home to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. God the Holy Spirit preached this truth through the prophet Isaiah two centuries before Cyrus was even born. Our Lord Jesus who calls the stars by name, preserving them in their celestial course - rules history for the sake of His elect - His body - the Church.
      Alleluia! Christ is risen! Jubilate! “Psalms 66:1-3 Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! (2) Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious. (3) Say to God, "How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You.” Stop cowering in fear - look up to our Creator and Caretaker of the stars! Stop worrying about your life - look out at our Creator and Caretaker of the earth! Stop sorrowing at the grave - look past death to our Creator, delivered for your sins - raised again to life declaring you - “beloved of the Lord!” His victory is FOR YOU! Flee fear and walk together: Rejoicing On Our Journey! I. Born From Above We Journey Towards The Land of the Living!(vs.11-12). II. Protected by King Jesus Ruling Governments To Maintain Civil Peace! (Vs.13-14) III. Trusting Our Father’s Good and Gracious Will! (Vs.15-17). IV. Serving Our Neighbor as Christ Serves Us! (Vs.18-20)
I. Peter and John both ran to Jesus’ empty tomb on that first Easter morning. Mary Magdalene feared the Romans and Jewish leaders had taken Jesus’ body ransacking His tomb. Outside of the tomb they saw the great stone hurled out of its grove laying flat on the ground. Looking into the tomb the men found all in order - like you rise from sleep in the morning, make your bed, and neatly fold your bed clothes. So the grave cloth that had wrapped Jesus’ body was empty, laying flat on the stone shelf. The cloth that had been wrapped around His head was neatly folded and placed on a shelf. Not the scene of a violent ransacking, but of a peaceful victorious rising from the dead. For the last two Sunday’s we’ve heard from these two eyewitnesses of Jesus’ physical resurrection.
    Today Peter calls us to rejoice for we are born from above! Listen! (Vs.11-12) Peter writes to “pilgrims of the dispersion” - Christians driven from Jerusalem because of persecution. Christians who would soon face persecution from the Roman government under Emperor Nero. The world rejoiced to see Jesus mocked, condemned, crucified, and die. Their joy would fade in three days - Jesus is risen - He lives! Still the world rejoicing to persecute and mock Jesus - by attacking His body - the Church - to persecute a single Christian is to persecute Jesus - so closely has He knit us into Himself. Rejoice as you sorrow now for “a little while” - you are born from above! Peter’s epistle bursts with baptismal language - we are begotten - born from above - to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Our baptismal inheritance is secure, unfading, reserved for us in heaven. Baptized we are newborn infants desiring the living milk of Christ’s Word within His Church. Born from above we are members of the royal priesthood - His own special people - never afraid to tell others of our crucified and risen Jesus - who called us by His Holy Spirit - out of darkness into His marvelous light.
      Born from above - this world isn’t our home. We are beloved of the Lord - sanctified by the Holy Spirit - pilgrims and sojourners. With Moses we sing, “Psalms 90:10 The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” This sin corrupted world is not our final destination - we fix our eyes upon new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
    Beware of the dangers journeying through this shadowy valley of death - born from above you are liberated to no longer live in sin. It has no rule over you - you are beloved in Jesus - freed to run in the path of God’s Holy Ten Commandments. The world will mock you as evil for doing good - living a moral life in the midst of their immorality. So be it! We don’t belong to their world - they will glorify us in the day of Christ’s final coming in Judgment - by our words and works we bear witness to Jesus who has birthed us from above. Even now, the Holy Spirit, might use our word and work to visit them calling them to repent and believe in Jesus that they too might be born from above!
II. Who is in control? Atheistic materialism - those who deny God’s existence and say the material world is all that exists - communist, progressives, socialists - all seek power. They want to be in control by rejecting reality - God’s Word - to become their own gods. Sound familiar? Satan’s Lie is to reject reality in God’s written Word and to make up our own realities - seize power to self to rule.
      Shout for joy on the journey dear Christian - you know Who rules! (Vs.13-14) History records: Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Our salvation is never found in who we elect to serve in government. King Jesus rules over the history for the sake of His Church. We submit to man’s ordinances for the Lord’s sake - the fourth commandment calls us to honor, serve, obey, love, and cherish those placed into authority by Christ over us. First within our homes as we obey father and mother, and then within the community and nation He has called us to journey in for a little while in this passing life.
      King Jesus maintains civil order by sending government to punish evildoers - those who break the second table of God’s Law - rebel, murder, destroy marital chastity, steal, perjure, abuse courts of law, and entice to desire the property and positions given to others. They praise those who do good - live morally within the rule of law. Trusting in King Jesus we strive to live peaceably with all men. Civil government has no authority over conscience - the first table of God’s Law. If government orders us to worship its false gods, curse in God’s Name, or prohibits us telling others the Truth - speaking the Name of Jesus - we must respectfully resist them saying with Peter and John, Acts 5:29-32 ....: "We ought to obey God rather than men. (30) The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. (31) Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. (32) And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him." Always be ready to give an answer to all who ask you the reason for the Hope that is in you- speak to them King Jesus’ Word - be in His Word daily - rejoice to proclaim it boldly - even if it costs your freedom!
III. Born from above by God the Holy Spirit in baptismal grace! King Jesus orders history allowing you to speak the Truth in this age of anti-truth. He lives! He rules! Trust your heavenly Father’s good and gracious will! (Vs.15-17) Our loving heavenly Father breaks and hinders the evil wills of Satan, the world, and our own sinful flesh - which try to desecrate His Name and prevent His kingdom from coming. He graciously keeps you in His Word and Faith until you die! In Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Do good! Its apologetic cannot be denied by foolish men who say there is no God!
    Joyfully journey - you are freed in Christ from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil. Freed not to be imprisoned by your own evil vices. You are slaves of God - His will is your will - but like the prodigal son - He restores you to full sonship through Jesus’ crucified and risen flesh and blood! Stand against satanic darkness - Honor all people as created in God’s image - all have intrinsic worth and can be known in their Creator. Love your fellow Christians - pour out yourself and your resources to sustain them in the Gospel and life. Fear God - trust in His Word - walk in His commandments. Honor the king - the rulers whom He appoints - pray for him - show respect.
IV. “I’m but a stranger here, heaven is my home!”Rev.Thomas R. Taylor taught us to sing. The world mocks, “Christians have their heads in the cloud, they are of no earthly good.” Christian pilgrims serve their neighbor where they are called! (Vs.18) We don’t abandon our callings donning a white robe waiting to be raptured - we stand fast and serve our neighbor in our various callings until Christ returns or He calls us Home through death. It is Christianity that cared for hurting humanity, establishing hospitals, orphanages, cared for aged, those born with down’s syndrome. Christianity cared for knowledge established the discipline of modern science, education, libraries to preserve writings from antiquity. Christianity rejoicing in God’s design in Creation inspired and supported great works of art, music, and literature. Rejoice on the journey to use your talents to serve your neighbor!(vs.19-20) We follow Jesus under the cross - He preserves us through suffering! Peter and John were beaten by the ruling Sanherdrin and forbidden to speak the name of Jesus. What did they do? History records: Acts 5:41-42 So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. (42) And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. Rejoice in a little while we will see Jesus coming on the clouds for the final coming! Rejoice for He is here now strengthening on your journey with His living flesh and blood - given and shed for you! Amen.

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