Tom Graves
October 19,2019
Anita & Sergio
February 16,2019 - March 23,2019
Anita and Sergio
April 6,2019
Bruce Van Natta
January 10,2016 - February 23,2019
Bruse Van Natta President of Sweet Bread Ministries
January 8,2017
Dr. Dave Heinrich
January 28,2020 - January 28,2020
ERIC BLUHM, ARC Midwest representative
February 21,2016
Gary Batt Purpose21 Ministy
October 16,2016
James Smith
October 2,2016
Kevin McClure
November 10,2018 - December 1,2018
Kingdom & Prayer
February 9,2019
Light of Christ Church Elders and Spouses
October 30,2016
Pastor Fred Thoni
April 18,2016
Pastor Paul Anderson
March 26,2017 - March 27,2017
Pastor Paula Graves
April 23,2017 - May 5,2018
Pastor Tom Graves
January 17,2016 - June 9,2018
Pastor Tom Stuart
October 2,2016 - October 2,2016
Paula Graves
April 10,2016 - September 8,2019
Paula K Graves
March 2,2019
Thomas Graves
June 3,2018 - July 29,2019
Tom & Paula Graves
August 24,2023
Tom and Paula
January 13,2024
Tom and Paula Graves
March 8,2019 - September 7,2024
Tom and Paula Graves, Larry
January 26,2024
Tom Graves
May 11,2018 - October 19,2019
Tom Graves & Mike Bradley
October 8,2019 - October 8,2019
Tom Graves and Doug Brock
January 7,2020
Content Copyright Belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church